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Core Notify
Finally, a tool that brings the right clinical results to you instantly. With push notifications driven by critical values, service-specific rules, or even your own ad-hoc requests, Core Notify alerts you in real time when important events are happening with your patient. With a companion app embedded in your desktop workflow, and Message Center integration, you can manage alerts and clinical notifications from anywhere. Stop the interruptions of chart-checking: set a notification request and get back to caring for patients the way you want to.

Real-time push notifications
Subscribe to critical or interested lab values, alerts and other pertinent information needed to provide the best care.

Ad-hoc on-time alerts
Customizable notifications that match your perferences.

Provider subscriptions
Pick & Choose from any lab, test or value you would like to be alerted on and that will either come to desktop or mobile app.

Critical alerts
Real time messages sent on vital items such as Sepsis to reduce time to intervention.

Define different scenarios that you would like your workflow to default to.

Desktop workflow
The power of mobile notify on a desktop.

Message Center integration
We can link these critical alerts/notification to Oracle’s Message Center.
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