Core Work Manager
The Core Work Manager application is the specialty-specific support for inpatient care that your EHR is missing. We all work differently in the hospital. There are hospitalists cross-covering patients they haven’t met yet, cardiac surgeons rounding on their own list of well-known pre- and post-op patients, and consultants of all kinds with unique clinical data needs. Whatever your specialty, Core Work Manager has tools to support your unique clinical work. From compact patient summaries with specialty-specific content, to mobile tools for rounding, to powerful clinical notification systems, to customized handoff management, Core Work Manager is the missing workflow tool your EHR needs.

Specialty-specific handoff workflows and content with shareable task lists, handoff printouts, and integrated patient-provider assignments. Core Work Manager ensures everyone knows who has primary responsibility for contact and what tasks are left to do.

Pre-rounding Prep
Specialty service specific workflow that integrates and consolidates information to reduce prep time and increase visibility of important information.

Replaces the out of box patient list and provides the clinician the information they need at the right time. Lists can auto-populate patients based on clinical results, orders, existing patient lists, etc.

Advanced A&P
Service specific assessment and plan component integrates with Core Work Manager and DynDoc to provide copy-forward, inactive issue tracking, tagging other team’s plans, and more...

On-call Management
Quickly update on-call information (primary contact, team attending, etc) with standard functionality or syncing with an on-line scheduling app

Concise printed patient list with the latest information. Saves hours not copying results/tasks from a computer by hand.

Quality content
Specialty views for tracking VTE prophylaxis status, Central Line days, Urinary Catheter days, opioid MME- all imbedded in your patient worklist.

DC Planning
Easily document discharge readiness across primary and consulting teams including anticipated DC date, medical clearance, and blockers.